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Protein amyloid beta, a key indicator of Alzheimer's, in the blood. Blood plasma, indicating a buildup of beta-amyloid in the brain. Post-mortem examination reveals two abnormal structures in the brain associated with AD. Amyloid plaques are clumps formed by the b-amyloid. Alpha-Secretase, Amyloid precursor protein secretases, beta-Secretase, gamma-Secretase,. Scientists Find Genetic Quirk May Help Clear Out Beta Amyloid,. Beta-APP40 is the predominant form of cerebrovascular amyloid It increases strength by boosting the activity rate of your motor nerves which enables the contraction of your muscle fibers. It also prevents fat cells from growing bigger and enables these cells to release more fat. Unfortunately, you can’t take testosterone without a doctor’s prescription, beta amyloide. 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